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What to Wear to Homecoming in 2022

homecoming what to wear

The U.S. has about 24,000 high schools. That translates to about 24,000 dances, specifically homecoming dances, each year. This means millions of students prepare for a fun, dancing, and music-filled night.

Still, one thing stands between high schoolers and a good time: outfits.

The right outfits ensure we look stylish plus feel comfortable. What better way to spend the night than that?

We've got several options for everyone: from the girls to the guys. Read on so you know exactly what to wear to homecoming!

What to Wear to Homecoming: Girls' Edition

We typically classify homecoming as a semi-formal event. As such, girls often wear shorter dresses. Shorter dresses mean less fabric, albeit they still come with much diversity!

Diversity originates from the dress fit, neckline, pattern(s), and colors. You can also accessorize with purses, jewelry, shoes, and/or makeup. 

That said, some people pivot away from dresses into rompers and mini skirts.

Remember to follow high school dress codes for whichever route you choose!

Necklines and Fit

Necklines and dress fits may depend on body type or personal/desired style. After all, different dresses accentuate different body parts. For example, a square-cut neckline accentuates the decolletage. 

Remember that you have to dress for a homecoming dance, so the fit should flatter you while allowing for movement. It all comes down to how well you know your body.

Some common fits and necklines include:

  • V-necklines
  • Scoop necklines
  • Square-cut necklines
  • Keyhole necklines
  • Crewneck
  • A-lines
  • Fit-and-flare
  • Bodycon

V-necklines or V-necks refer to necklines that plunge into the decolletage to form a V-shape. 

Scoop necklines have a wider, almost oval, cut. They usually fit looser. 

Square-cut necklines emphasize the decolletage in a boxlike shape. They usually fit tighter.

Keyhole necklines cinch the neck in some way, then open to form a keyhole farther down the decolletage.

Crewnecks look similar to a scoop neckline, except they fit around the neck more snugly. 

A-lines refer to dresses that fit closely about the shoulders, then taper out from the waist down. 

Fit-and-flare has a similar shape as the A-line, except it cinches or "fits" the waist more tightly before it "flares" or tapers out.

Bodycon dresses fit or cinch the entire body tightly.

Colors and Patterns

Colors and patterns should work in tandem with our chosen fit/neckline. We can utilize color theory to complement our skin tone, jewelry, and other accessories. 

Colors and patterns become powerful because they can mask or create illusions about your figure to improve how you look. For example, vertical white stripes make you look taller and fuller. 

Additionally, these elements help convey mood. They might also contribute to a theme if your homecoming dance has one. 

Remember, you can always check out past trends for inspiration!

What to Wear to Homecoming: Guys' Edition

Going to homecoming means you attend a semi-formal event, so guys can ditch the tuxedos. This usually means wearing some kind of button-down with slacks. 

Still, feel free to play around with colors, patterns, ties, bowties, and blazers! You may also want to color-coordinate with your date or group of friends. Check if your school has a theme, too!


Outerwear can add an extra flair to an outfit if you opt for it. You've got suit jackets and neutral blazers on the more formal end and suspenders, vests, and sweater vests on the more casual end. 

Outerwear also depends on body type and personal preference/style. For example, you might choose a neutral blazer with extra shoulder padding to accentuate your upper body. 

Additionally, weather/temperature may influence your decision.

Will you primarily stay outside or inside for your homecoming dance? Do you live in a colder or warmer climate? If indoors, does your school have air conditioning? 

Remember that you have to dance, which generates heat. You more than likely want something lightweight and comfortable. Suspenders often fit this criterion.

Colors and Patterns

Colors and patterns work similarly for traditionally masculine semi-formal attire. In fact, guys typically have more options because they usually have more pieces of clothing from their homecoming outfits. For example, they must choose a color for their tops, bottoms, shoes, and/or outerwear. 

They may also wear a tie or bowtie. Typically, one element should match the color with another. For example, a black blazer with black pants. Ties and bowties usually contrast with shirt color. 

Furthermore, pattern-coordination works, too! Maybe you and your date both want to wear stripes. Wear a striped blazer and a striped pair of pants for a flashier look, while a striped handkerchief does the trick for a subtler touch. 

Other Tips for Homecoming Outfits

Guy or girl, everyone should keep in mind a few pointers. 

First, remember to account for corsages and boutonnieres if you have dates/want to buy your date one. Make sure the color and style match your outfit.

Second, communicate plans to your date or group of friends. Do you guys want to match? Or do you want to look different from each other? You might want to double-check this if you opt for a trendier look or piece of clothing.

Third, have fun! Style and outfits should add to the ambiance, rather than take away from it. 

What Homecoming Really Looks Like

All in all, homecoming looks a little different for everyone. What to wear to homecoming encompasses a significant part of this experience. Some people go so far as to make their own homecoming outfits.

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