
The Healing Power of Color: Six Colors to Wear to Reduce Your Stress Levels

power of color

Color is such an important part of our lives. We all have our favorites, and they all do different things for us. Many colors are associated with danger, and many are associated with calm, and if you’re feeling stressed, then it’s certainly better to go with the latter.

You may be surprised to know that the color you dress in can affect your mood, and with more of us than ever before suffering from the likes of anxiety, addiction, and depression, it can be really valuable to dress how you want to feel.

Many people go through the likes of a rehabilitation center having suffered from alcohol or drug addiction and take a whole new outlook on life in a quest to stay sober and get their life back on track. And even making simple changes to how you dress can make all the difference and put you on the front foot.

That’s the case with everyone, so if you’re struggling with your stress levels a little, why not mix it up and try on some of these colors for size…

1. Yellow

Yellow is a cheerful and joyful color associated with optimism and energy. Wearing yellow can help lift your mood and give you a better outlook on life. It can even help with physical ailments like headaches and stomach aches. When you’re feeling stressed, yellow is a great color to wear to help lift your spirits.

2. Green

Green is a color of balance and harmony. It is associated with nature and is known for its calming effect. Wearing green can help to reduce stress, anxiety, and even physical pain. So, the next time you feel overwhelmed, consider wearing green to help soothe your mind and body.

3. Blue

Blue is a color of tranquility and peace. It is known to be calming and soothing, helping to reduce stress and anxiety levels. So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, try wearing blue to help you to relax and reset.

4. Purple

Purple is a color of creativity and imagination. It is known to help reduce stress and anxiety while promoting feelings of calmness and peace. So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, wearing purple can help you to restore your balance and focus on positive thoughts.

Purple was a popular fashion trend in winter fashion of 2007.

5. Orange

Orange is a color of joy and fun. It helps to lift your spirits and bring out your natural energy. Wearing orange can help to reduce stress and anxiety while also giving you an energy boost. So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, try wearing orange to help you to lighten up and stay positive.

6. White

White is a color of purity and simplicity. It is associated with peace and clarity and can help to reduce stress and anxiety. White also helps to bring out your natural beauty, so it’s great for when you want to feel good and showcase your natural look, particularly during the summer months. It was a popular color for 2021.