Reproduction Costume Recollections Examples For Re-enactment
By Pauline Weston Thomas for

Reproduction Costume Collections
Retro Repros (Retrospective Reproductions) -These are garments made for example for re-enactments such as Centenaries, Civil War, Medieval Banquets, Christmas and Autumnal Craft Fayres and living history weekends. Fabrics available today are usually used to reproduce costumes as authentically as possible. Sellers of re-enactment pieces who sell Victorian styled Crinoline, bustle dresses and Leg o' Mutton 1890's items include the reputable website at Recollections make washable garments to fit modern measurements, as well as being wholesale dealers of re-enactment items.
Ball Gown, Taffeta and Velvet Gown, Crinoline Petticoat, Calico Polonaise
These are good examples of modern reproduction versions of mid/late Victorian dress. All can be made to figure measurements from XS-XXXXL and in a colour choice from a range of about 4 to 8 shades or patterns. The range also includes saloon wear. You can see more of the range at
The bonus of the majority of these dresses is that they can be safely worn for re-enactment and easily laundered after wear. It is not vintage. It is good wearable reproduction costume and can be mixed with vintage items such as shawls, cloaks, parasols, reticules, jabots, old jewellery, shoes, underwear, blouses and hats.
I think all costume, whether reproduction or vintage is improved by wearing the correct underwear and all of these garments have available under pieces such as hooped crinoline petticoats, small bustles, over petticoats, trained petticoats, camisoles and long drawers.
More variety can be seen at their website
Retro Re-enactment Swimwear at Recollections
If you are seeking fully made up garments at reasonable cost and suitable for re-enactment in Victorian and Edwardian style then try those by Marianne at Recollections. I am a long time fan of Marianne and her period clothing website Recollections. Recently Marianne introduced several retro ladies swimming costumes to her extensive range of over 500 costumes. You can see for yourself in the photographs below how good these look. RecollectionsThe retro Victorian Edwardian swimming costumes above are by Marianne at Recollections
Images courtesy Recollections