Showing 24 Result(s)
best at home gel nail kit feature image
Beauty, Styling

The 3 Best At-Home Gel Nail Kits

Do you want to hear a super short horror story? Imagine being stuck at home during the start of the pandemic with a chipped gel manicure and no way to remove it. For a lot of us, that scary story was a terrifying reality. While trying to chip off our gel mani with random household …


5 Things to Consider Before Having a Cosmetic Procedure

With so many cosmetic procedures available these days, it can be tempting to jump straight into something that might give you a more youthful complexion or smoother skin. However, before taking the plunge, here are five things you should consider. Research Your Doctor Choosing the right doctor is essential to having any cosmetic procedure done. …

jlo Engagement Ring

A Look Into jlo Engagement Ring

We are constantly subject to influence. From media to social media, from our parents to our teachers, and from news stories and magazine issues to film, TV, and music. The world around us is heavily shaped by these variables and others. There’s nothing necessarily wrong with this, it’s just a fact of the society that …

how to match jewelry with your outfit

How to Match Jewelry with Your Outfit

Ruby gemstones are beautiful stones and make a big impact on your wardrobe. The deep red color of rubies is captivating, and they go with almost anything. You don’t need to wear a lot of red to have a stylish look. Just add one or two pieces of ruby jewelry to any outfit! A Deep …