
6 Sensational Ways Social Media Is Influencing Fashion

social media fashion influence

Social media is a sensation that has become so much more than a way to stay in touch with friends and family. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are being utilized in nearly every professional industry. The world of high fashion is no exception. Digital interaction is influencing fashion consumerism in many ways.

1. Increased Reach

The reach of high-end fashion brands has increased over the years. Before the social media explosion, the common ways to connect with brands like Dolce & Gabbana, Versace, and Gucci were exclusive runway shows, brick and mortar stores, and print ads. Now, viewing designer brands is accessible to nearly everyone. An estimated 4.48 billion people around the globe participate in social media. Applications can put brands at the tips of consumers' fingers quickly and easily multiple times per day.

2. Expanded Diversity

An extended reach has expanded diversity within the industry. Reaching and appealing to the general public has brought forth a demand for representation of more genders, ethnicities, sizes, and sexual orientations. Consumers get to select who they want to follow. Often that means supporting those that they can relate to. The changes can be seen across social media, print ads, and runway shows.

3. Double-Sided Discovery 

Social platforms act as a two-way street with double-sided discovery. Not only can merchandise reach consumers' eyes, but new talent for the industry can also be discovered.


Businesses and the public contribute to merchandise being found through social media. Anyone can get on any platform, type in names like Dolce & Gabbana, and locate the company account instantly. Accounts allow big names in the fashion industry to share the latest styles, post ads, share links, and create hashtags. The public can interact with the company or create indirect advertising on their own. By posting where they shop, who they're wearing, or tagging brands, consumers drive business.


Social media is helping new fashion icons get discovered. Aspiring models and designers can build their own followings. Vast followings make it easier to stand out to those searching for talented individuals. Influencers' audiences are even appealing because they are instant, loyal fans for any company the influencer supports.

4. Consumer Interaction

Instead of simply being a spectator, social media allows consumers to interact with fashion brands. Users can like, share, comment, and tag others in posts. The interactions increase brand exposure and act as instant, free feedback for the creator. Brands can tell what is trending, what consumers like best, and what consumers dislike at the click of a button. Companies can also create positive conversations with users to build loyalty and trust in their business.

5. Sped-Up Trends

The quick exposure to new fashion and increased accessibility speed up trends. While it can be beneficial for consumers to adopt styles promptly, it also means they want to move on from those styles sooner. The phenomenon has become known as fast fashion, and fresh designs are created continuously. Companies often analyze fashion across platforms to try to keep up. Analytics helps forecast the success of future trends.

6. Better Endorsements

Social media opens the door for better product endorsements. Brands can partner up with celebrities and influencers who have millions of follows. Instead of creating advertisements and trying to connect to viewers, businesses can take advantage of an already captivated audience. Endorsements are perfect for promoting clothes, accessories, and fragrances. Many consumers admire celebrities, put value in their recommendations, and try to emulate the styling of stars.

Whether you view it for better or worse, there is no doubt that social media has changed the fashion industry in a plethora of ways. Reflect on your favorite brands and what they're doing to keep up.