Showing 153 Result(s)
Fashion History

The Queen Magazine

By Pauline Weston Thomas for Fashion-Era.comThe Queen Magazine 1861More C19th important fashion magazines are dealt with on earlier pages.  In the main the French fashion magazines made more impact than any other publications.  All others looked to France for inspiration.One of the longest-running English female magazines was The Queen magazine which began in 1861.  Samuel …

Childrens Clothes

Children in Costume History 1810 to 1820 Fashions for Regency Girls

By Pauline Weston Thomas for Fashion-Era.comThese costume colouring in pictures reflect the variety of clothes styles girls mostly wore.Colouring in Pictures of Early C19th Regency Children’s Costume 1810 – 1820The fashion for girls hardly changed, although sleeves showed more fullness as they were gathered into the shoulder and squarer necklines were used more.  Hair remained …


1950s Teenage Male Fashion History – Teddy Boys

By Pauline Weston Thomas for Fashion-Era.comThe Growth of Teenagers as a Market Force in 1950’s Society1950s TeenagersUntil 1950 the term teenagers had never before been coined.  Children were known as girls and boys were known as youths once they displayed signs of puberty.Then young people were grown up at 18 and fully adult legally at …