Showing 15 Result(s)
Ancient Costume

Egyptian Akhnaton Leather Coat 1976 – Wearable Art by John Jones

By Pauline Weston Thomas for Fashion-Era.comEgyptian Art as a Source of InspirationThe decorative pattern elements within Egyptian art, and other archaeological finds, have fascinated me since childhood.  Therefore, it was a wonderful surprise to receive these terrific images of wearable art coats from John Jones.  John is a gifted textile and digital artist, who works …

Ancient Costume

Early Clothing in Costume History – From Skins to Celtic Costume

By Pauline Weston Thomas for Fashion-Era.comWeaving and Use of SkinsNo one can be absolutely certain that early man wore clothing as we know it.  But researchers in the late C20th, found evidence of fine weaving in the Czech region. This was observed from studying illustrated archaeological pottery artefacts from the region. Clearly cold or hot climatic …

Ancient Costume

Ancient Assyrian Clothing c800 B.C.

By Pauline Weston Thomas for Fashion-Era.comEarly AssyriaEgyptians were geographically close to the other great civilisations of the ancient world, including Iraq an area once known as Mesopotamia. The Greek term Mesopotamia meant ‘land between Rivers’, i.e. land between the river Tigris and river Euphrates, rivers often mentioned in the Holy Bible. Thousands of years ago, …

Ancient Costume

Ancient Egyptian Clothing Costume Dress Plates

Ancient Egyptian Clothing History -Skirt, Cape and Draped Shawl StylesBy Pauline Weston Thomas for Fashion-Era.comThird Style – Skirts & CapesThe Petticoat Skirt and CapeAfter the tunic and the robe, came the third style of Egyptian dress, the petticoat skirt with cape shawl.The petticoat skirt was a straight piece of material threaded through at the waist …

Ancient Costume

Styles of Roman Battle Dress for War in Costume History

By Pauline Weston Thomas for Fashion-Era.comRoman Battle DressThis page has pictures of the battle dress and armour of the Roman soldier.The normal formal robe for a noble Roman citizen was a toga worn over a simple tunica.  As time passed the Roman toga lost the bulk of its fabric and became much smaller.  You can see …

Ancient Costume

Egyptian Dress Costume Plates – Warrior King Costumes

By Pauline Weston Thomas for Fashion-Era.comWarrior King Egyptian Costume Right – A male costume which is easy to make.This site concentrates on female dress, but for Egyptian fancy dress purposes I have included these few extra male styles from the book that I researched.As well as noting that most Egyptian costumes were worn by both …

Ancient Costume

Roman Costume History | Roman Women – Hairstyles and Dress | The Stola

By Pauline Weston Thomas for Fashion-Era.comRoman Women – DressAs ever, Roman women’s dresses were a little different from the men’s tunics. For example, they were often pale rose, or aqua.The female equivalent of the male Subacula (under tunic), was the Intusium, a sleeveless under-tunic.  Women also wore a bust bodice called strophium (much like a …