
How To Get Eyelash Glue Off Clothes?

How To Get Eyelash Glue Off Clothes

Eyelash glue is the ultimate weapon for women because it helps them achieve those long and luscious eyelashes. After all, natural eyelashes aren't that long. The eyelash glue is the unsung hero to help achieve them.

However, imagine being in the final stage of dressing up, and a dollop of eyelash glue falls on your pretty outfit.

It can be a frustrating and panicky situation. However, you don’t need to worry because we are sharing different ways to get eyelash glue off your clothes, including an eyelash glue remover with a few tips from the lash experts at Lash Lift Store.

Understanding Eyelash Glue Composition

Eyelash glue, commonly made from a mixture of solvents, rubber, and other binding agents, is designed to be durable and water-resistant. This composition, while excellent for ensuring the longevity of eyelash application, poses a challenge when it comes into contact with clothing. The glue can adhere strongly to fibers, making removal tricky without the right techniques.

Pre-Treatment: Assessing the Fabric Type

Before attempting to remove the glue, it's crucial to identify the type of fabric affected. Delicate materials like silk or lace require gentler methods compared to sturdier fabrics like cotton or denim. Checking the garment’s care label can provide valuable insights into the fabric composition and how it may react to various cleaning agents.

1. Solvent-Based Removal

For tougher cases or more resilient fabrics, a solvent-based approach may be necessary. Common household items like rubbing alcohol or acetone (nail polish remover) can dissolve the adhesive properties of the glue. Apply a small amount of the solvent to a cotton ball and gently dab it onto the stained area.

Once the glue softens, use a blunt knife or a spoon to scrape it off. It's important to conduct a spot test on a hidden area of the garment first to ensure the solvent doesn't damage the fabric.

2. Specialized Products: Stain Removers and Solvents

You can also try something stronger, such as stain removers. The stain removers are easily available in supermarkets. You can take a cotton pad, add a few drops of stain remover, and rub it on the dried eyelash glue.

It might take a few rubs to take off the glue completely, so be ready to work for a few minutes if you want to remove eyelash glue from your clothes. Another option is to gently rub rubbing alcohol or isopropyl alcohol on the damp cloth, as it's a good solvent.

3. Using Household Items: Vinegar and Baking Soda

White vinegar and baking soda are your best friends to get rid of a glue stain left behind by glue or false lashes. It removes the traces and remaining particles, so your clothes will look new.

For this method, you have to sprinkle baking soda on the glue and add a few drops of white vinegar. The baking soda will start bubbling, so leave the clothes for 20 to 30 minutes. After this, gently dab and rub the mixture on the fabric, and done.

4. Use Soap and Water

This is the easiest solution to remove a glue stain, but it only works if the glue is wet. You’ve to dampen the stained area. Once the lash glue and fabric are wet, keep rubbing laundry soap until the glue comes off. Then, wash the soaped area and leave it to dry.

5. Use Olive Oil

Olive oil is readily available and works impeccably. For this reason, you can use it to remove eyelash glue. It’s a safe and faster way, so add two to three drops of olive oil to the glue and press it.

You’ve to massage this area with moderate pressure, and the glue will come off. After this, you’ve to wash the clothes with warm water. On the other hand, if you don’t have olive oil, you can also use sunflower or canola oil.

6. Freezing the Glue use Ice

One of the simplest methods to remove eyelash glue from clothes involves using cold temperatures to harden the glue, making it easier to peel off. Place the garment in a plastic bag and leave it in the freezer for about an hour. Once the glue hardens, gently peel it off the fabric. This method works best for thicker fabrics that can withstand the physical removal of hardened glue.

7. Use Acetone

This is an affordable option that can dissolve the components of eyelash glue. Keep in mind that this method works when the glue is fully dry. You should never wipe acetone on the clothes because it pushes the glue into the fibers.

When the eyelash glue is fully dried, take a cotton swab and use it to dab acetone on the fabric. You will have to dab it for a few minutes before the glue begins to come out.

8. Use a Fabric Softener

This is one of the easiest solutions to remove a pesky stain because everyone has fabric softener at home. The spray bottle should have one part of the fabric softener and fill the remaining with water.

Then, spray this solution all over the glued area and wait for fifteen minutes. Then, wash off the solution, and eyelash glue will be washed off alongside. This works because softener helps in dissolving eyelash glue. This is also suitable for clearing a stained area on colored fabrics.

Preventing Future Stains: Precautionary Measures

After successfully removing the glue, it's advisable to treat the area with a pre-wash stain remover before laundering the garment according to its care instructions. This ensures any residual glue or treatment substance is thoroughly cleaned out, restoring the fabric to its original condition.

  • Try changing clothes after you are done with the eyelash application.
  • If you like wearing clothes before doing makeup, wear an old shirt on top.
  • Always clean the application tools so the dried-up glue doesn’t fall on your clothes.
  • Try to keep the rubbing alcohol handy, as using it right away prevents the chances of stains.
  • If you are a beginner, try using magnetic eyelashes or get eyelash extensions so you don't have to work with glue.

Final Thoughts

We have added a lot of quick fixes to help you remove eyelash glue from clothes. We are sure stain removal won’t be a nightmare for you anymore. If nothing works, try washing clothes or take the clothes to a dry cleaner.

The removal of eyelash glue from clothing requires a careful balance between effectiveness and maintaining the integrity of the fabric. By understanding the nature of both the glue and the affected material, one can select the most appropriate removal method.

Whether it's through freezing, solvent application, or the use of oily substances, the goal remains to restore the garment to its pristine state without causing damage. This guide serves as a testament to the ongoing interplay between beauty practices and the preservation of fashion elements, a dance as old as time itself. If you buy good quality clothes like for example Alpha-industries or Maki it’s worth taking care of them.

So, which of these methods will you try and test to remove excess glue? Also, if you have other methods to share, comment down below!

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