By Pauline Weston Thomas for
History of C20th Fashion and Costume in the 1940s.
From wartime Utility Clothing to Dior's Look.
1940s Wedding Photos. 1946 and 1949 Fashion Plates and links to free images.
Utility Clothing and Rationing 1940s
Rationing of goods and foods with coupons under the Civilian Clothing Order CC41. The Incorporated Society Of London Fashion Designers.
'Make do and mend' in the 1940s followed by the Look of 1947.
1940's Wartime Wedding Pictures
A selection of UK wedding photographs from 1939 - 1948.
Photographs from 1939, 1942, 1947 and 1948 of British wartime brides and grooms with their families. 4 white weddings and 2 less formal weddings with photos of 1940s fashion.
1946 Pictures of Tailleur Luxe Fashion Design Plates 1
1946 French Trade Fashion Plates from the 1940s. A selection of images showing suits, costumes, dresses jackets and coats all accessorized with bags, hats and jewellery of the mid 1940's era.
1948 Sewing Pattern Cutting Fashion Plates 1 C1948 -1951
Pattern Cutting Design Pictures. Fashion Design Sketches with their drafts c1948. Styles follow late 1940s fashions. All thumbnails enlarge to become full A4 pictures.
1948 Sewing Pattern Cutting Fashion Plates 2 C1948 -1951
Pattern Cutting Design Pictures. Fashion Design Sketches with their drafts c1948. Styles follow late 1940s fashions. All thumbnails enlarge to become full A4 pictures.
Tailleur Fashion Plates 1949 - Pictures
1949 German Trade fashion plates from the late 1940s. A selection of images showing suits, jackets and coats all accessorized with bags, hats and jewellery of the late 1940's era. Shows the silhouette line called the Look.
Butterick Costume Patterns 1940-45
Fashion cover images from pattern books from dressmaking pattern suppliers McCalls and Butterick.
McCalls Costume Patterns - 1945-1950
Fashion cover images from pattern books from dressmaking pattern suppliers McCalls and Butterick.
1940s Australian Home Journal Patterns
Fashion cover images from the Australian Home Journal Magazine.
Tailleur Fashion Plates 1949 - Part 2
A selection of images from the inside cover editorial pages of a 1949 German Trade fashion journal. Shows silhouette line called the Look.