By Pauline Weston Thomas for

Fashion and Costume History and Fashion Images, Photographs and Fashion Plates from McCall's and Good Housekeeping in the 1920s.
1920s Fashions - Old Photographs and Pictures from Magazines
1914-1920 Towards Dress Reform
Dramatic changes in dress styles for women including underwear changes and the first bra.
New styles hastened by women's role in the First World War.
Flapper Fashion 1920s
Flapper fashions and the short skirt misconception of the 1920s. The near nude look 'garconne' masculine silhouette. Hair styles, accessories, hats, make up, shoes and Chanel.
1920s Flapper Photos
A selection of photographs of women in typical 20's fashions. It includes 2 flappers c1929 and girls in mid twenties wrap coats and 1926 hats.
1920s Silhouettes
The drawings show some of the costume history silhouette body shape outlines between 1920-21
Hats 1920-1930
The 1920s was a period when milliners used their imagination. Inspiration was sought from Egypt, China, Japan and Russia.
Life Between the Wars 1920-1940
The mood of Britain after the end of World War II in 1918. The rise of consumerism and innovative more unisex fashions for women.
1920s Wedding Dress
A selection of old photographs of women and men of the era at weddings in 1923, 1924, and 1930.
1925 McCall's Patterns (1)
Images from McCall's Pattern Books - Part 1, August 1925.
1925 McCall's Pattern (2)
Images from McCall's Pattern Books - Part 2, August 1925
1920s and 1930s Hollywood and Royal Fashion Icons
Fashion icons Claudette Colbert and Clark Gable, Louise Brooks, Greta Garbo, Wallis Simpson, The Duchess of York and George VI. Pictures and Jewellery.
The original page of 1923 1920's Fashion Pictures
A selection of afternoon dresses for the races and strolling and worn in the early twenties.
A picture of women parading in underwear in the twenties.